Saturday, 12 October 2013

Stalin, Zoo Kid and ruin a movie: tweekly update

Last weekend I attended a Graphics workshop at the Sydney Opera house and was lucky enough to catch the fireworks for the Naval Fleet Review. Our position at the Opera House bar was a great opportunity to get some photos on my phone.

The Tyrant as Editor an article by Holly Case in the Chronicle of Higher Education offers a great reading of the way Stalin used his blue marker pen Stalin used to execute and imprison thousands from his realtive comfort of his desk.

Zoo Kid - Out getting Ribs

Chicago Police start using Social Media to fight Gang Violence. Uses Social media profiling to rank the likelihood of a person killing or being killed.

This is a useful reading list of gaming and learning resources grouped by theme.

Article - The Chicago Public Library is expanding its YouSkills digital media calsses.

A tour of the North Pole Oil Platform at the centre of the dispute between Russia and Greenpeace.

Interesting post on the upcoming auctions of the wi-fi spectrum freed up in Australia by final phasing out of non-digital TV. What are they going to do with it and how will Australian benefit.

Thw #addawordruinamovie hashtag was some of the best fun I had this week. for example: Walking Dead Poets Society, Driving over Miss Daisy, The Passion fruit of Christ, The fantastic four skin, Lap Dances With Wolves, Snow White Supremacist and the Seven Dwarves, Jurassic Trailer Park, Courtney Love, Actually, Schindler's To-Do List, Charlie Sheen and the Chocolate Factory, Lock, Chicken Stock and Two smoking Barrels, Batman Begins WeightWatchers, Reservoir Puppy Dogs …..

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