Sunday 18 March 2012

Heist Pintrest You vs. Cat Helix Nebula

National Museum of the American Indian, Washington DC. by O Palsson

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I signed up this week for the GOOD Magazine as I thought this was a really nice alternative to the depressing litany of bad news focussed on by most news reporting channels - read here

Examples of how museums are using Pinterest: a tumbler post from Jennifer Fuchs on how 30+ museums are using Pinterest to showcase their collections. Post here

‘You vs. Cat’ - cat food maker Friskies has debuted their new iPad game called ‘You vs. Cat’ that pits cat owners against their pet. read

The first volume of International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era well worth a look. download articles

We all know mobile technology has a huge uptake in the west but the take up in Africa is amazing. It is now claimed to be the 2nd largest mobile market by connections after Asia. Perhaps even more important is the way these countries are by-passing the PC and have gone straight into the hand-held digital environment - 90% of all phones in Africa are mobile phone - here no frills services like text messaging etc still play a huge role in business and getting things done. In Kenya 18 million people use mobile phone for their bank account transaction etc. read more at Presentation slideshow from TECHPRENEURWORLD -Resources for Technical Entrepreneurs in the Developing World

This is pretty cool toy gun attachment for your smartphone that lets you play shooter games in the real world. AppTag Laser Blaster

This is a nice article from Mashable Social Media on how to promote your institution on Pinterest. Most of these 10 strategies make good sense. read here

Industry Heavies Unite to Float "the Science Cloud" called Helix Nebula - more than a dozen international IT firms have partnered to create Helix Nebula - The Science Cloud, which will be used by European researchers to provide cloud-based computing support for scientific discoveries.article here

“Time” is the most used noun in the English language, yet it remains a mystery. Sean Carroll just completed a multidisciplinary conference on the nature of time and gives his stab at a top ten list partly inspired by our discussions: the things everyone should know about time. see here

Stanford researchers create exotic electrons that may lead to new materials, devices. "Our new approach is a powerful new test bed for physics," Manoharan said. "Molecular graphene is just the first in a series of possible designer structures. We expect that our research will ultimately identify new nanoscale materials with useful electronic properties." see here

A year-long undercover investigation has found evidence of Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) companies cutting and pulping legally protected ramin trees, a practice that violates both Indonesian and international law. Found largely in Sumatra's peatswamp forests, the logging of ramin trees (in the genus Gonystylus) has been banned in Indonesia since 2001; the trees are also listed under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and thus require special permits to export. see full article

Heist is an experimental project that uses Open Exhibits and GestureWorks software and is powered by Sensus server technology to enable effortless networking. Digital museum objects can be easily shared with visitor's smart phones or tablets. All this happens without visitors having to download a mobile app. Heist uses a WiFi captive portal; as museum visitors connect to the network they are pushed an HTML 5 application. They simply add their name, pick a color and their personal avatar appears on the table.

Lytro Article by By Joshua Goldman - the good news: creates photos that you can refocus again and again--after you've shot them--opening up new creative possibilities. the bad news: proprietary Lytro image file format can only be processed and edited with Lytro's so-far Mac-only software, and if you want to share images you need to use Lytro's site. Its LCD is poor for such an otherwise high-end device. see review and pictures

John Coltrane, Frank Kofsky Interview 1966 Part 1

14-year-old constructs a LEGO printer - Leon Overwheel, who lives in New York, has constructed a printer out of LEGO blocks which he dubbed the LEGO Mindstorms NXT Printer

Nice resource - How to Capture Audio & Video in HTML5: Audio/Video capture has been the "Holy Grail" of web development for a long time. For many years we've had to rely on browser plugins (Flash or Silverlight) to get the job done. HTML5 to the rescue. It might not be apparent, but the rise of HTML5 has brought a surge of access to device hardware. Geolocation (GPS), the Orientation API (accelerometer), WebGL (GPU), and the Web Audio API (audio hardware) are perfect examples. These features are ridiculously powerful, exposing high level JavaScript APIs that sit on top of the system's underlying hardware capabilities. This nice tutorial by Eric Bidelman introduces a new API, navigator.getUserMedia(), which allows web apps to access a user's camera and microphone.

Article - Extending copyright exceptions for preservation - intellect property & O/S group outline case here

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